Want to learn a new way to relax your body and mind?
Feldenkrais movements help you to calm, heal and restore the nervous system. A system of gentle, intriguing movement exercises to soothe and relax and give you tools for ongoing self-maintenance.
Great for anyone looking to soothe their body and soul at the end of the day.
What will we cover?
- Practical experience of movement lessons clarifying the coordination of your neck, back, breath, eyes, arms, legs and whole body.
- Information on how to move yourself to create relaxation and healing.
- Tips for ongoing maintenance, safety and self-care.
There will be some talk and discussion but mostly you will be invited to lie on the floor and gently move.
What will you need?
- Bring something to lie on- a yoga mat/blanket/beach towel- plus a small cushion or pad for your head.
- Closed Captions
- Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees
- Discounted Early Bird Tickets
- Auslan Interpreted Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Ralph (he/him) is a certified Feldenkrais practitioner based in Melbourne. He is one of Australia’s most experienced Feldenkraisers, having been teaching since 1988. He offers his own workshops, weekly classes and individual sessions, helping his clients recover from injury, build health and relaxation and improve performance at work and play.
He has presented for many organisations including CAE, Arthritis Foundation, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, the Gawler Foundation and RMIT. He teaches with clarity, respect and good humour, combining fun with serious learning. You can visit his website or Facebook page.
Important info:
Photo by Maksim Goncharenok from Pexels
Questions about the class or other ways we can assist with accessibility? Just email delsi (she/her) at melbourne@lanewaylearning.com.