What’s it all about?
Every one of us has a story to tell, but when it comes time to put pen to paper, or finger to keyboard, or stylus to screen… Sooner or later we all pause and ask ourselves: ‘what happens next?’
Getting from start to finish on that first draft is always the hardest. So why not get it over with quick?
What will we cover?
This screenwriting class is a fast-paced tutorial that allows no time for self-doubt or second-guessing. In a mere 75 minutes we will establish the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your story, as well as the crucial story ‘beats’ that make up a screenplay. We will start with a log-line and build up a basic plot for a short or feature-length film, using a combination of proven structural devices.
From Start to Finish is suitable for all skill-levels. Fun for beginners and productive for the pros! Bring an idea or a blank slate – inspiration provided.
Who will be teaching?
Just pen and paper or your laptop.
Who will be teaching?
Jaine Eira’s screenwriting credits include short and feature films, television and music videos. She is a pitch-slam winner, a two-time finalist (one time prize-winner) of the NYCMidnight Screenwriting Challenge, and a Quarter Finalist of the esteemed BlueCat Screenplay Competition. Jaine is a graduate of RMIT’s Bachelor of Arts in Creative Writing (screenwriting stream) and Bachelor of Media and Communication (Honours).