What’s it all about?
Sometimes we get too stuck in our ways, always looking for the next solution or the right answer. However, we all know the importance of engaging with the “child’s mind” that we all have inside us. The answers then often come from our own self-exploration, but only when we play. This is so important when it comes to the things like empathy, listening and learning.
What is the right way? Guess you’ll have to play to find out!
Through play, we will be able to find new ways that weand others around us communicate, improving our empathy, listening, and thus relationships for the better.
What will we cover?
We are going to play a couple of games. With Lego. Yep, games with Lego! A form of art where there are only a few rules and unlimited possibilities. The first main game will be around how we receive communication from people. You listened but did you hear them? Did you listen for their interests or yours?
The second game will be all about how express our communication outwardly. Are you truly communicating for the person you’re speaking to? Working in a team environment, at work or with family, we forget that other people see the world differently to us.
But the magic doesn’t come from the games, instead it comes from the discussions afterwards. What did we observe in ourselves and others in the process? If you have resistance to playing with Lego AND you’ve read this far then you probably need this session.
Who will be teaching?
Ex-stunt performer, Brett Solomano, has spent nearly ten years finding the edges to human performance. He now teaches companies and disadvantaged youth the importance of self-education, self-awareness and self-expression to live congruent, successful lives.