When it comes to sex education, for a lot of us, we were lucky if we were taught where babies come from. If we weren’t lucky, we had some really damaging ideas about sex and our bodies reinforced to us.
Despite sex being an important part of adult relationships, and a crucial part of our physical health, it often doesn’t get the coverage it deserves.
Well, it’s never too late to learn! Let’s brush up on the basics and fill those knowledge gaps!
What will we cover?
We’ll cover ‘pleasure anatomy’ – what feels good where, and why.
We’ll take a look at our identity and how that shapes our experience of sex.
And we’ll look at how to talk to potential sexual partners about what we do and don’t want.
Let’s dismantle any myths about sex you might still be carrying around.
Most importantly we’ll learn that sex is not an embarrassing topic at all – it’s totally normal and something we have a right to talk about openly.
Closed Captions
Discounted Early Bird Tickets
Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees
Auslan Interpreter Upon Request
Who will be teaching?
Toya (she/her) has spent the past fifteen years facilitating creativity through art and technology.
As an emerging sexologist she applies her creative expertise to sexuality education and research.
Toya is passionate about helping people reveal and evolve their sexual expression through art and technology as an essential part of their overall health and wellbeing.
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Photo by Malvestida Magazine on Unsplash
Questions or other accessibility requests? Feel free to email Maddy (she/her) at melbourne@lanewaylearning.com