What’s it all about?
‘Never wrestle with a pig, you’ll just get dirty and they’ll enjoy it’ – or so the saying goes.
But life is full of people who are unreasonable, uncooperative and sometimes plain wrong. If you can’t deal with them, then they win.
This class will equip you with the skills you need for those times in your life when it’s necessary to ‘wrestle a pig’ (without getting dirty), and also help prevent you from accidentally being the pig yourself.
What will we cover?
- A fun introduction to conflict resolution theory
- A masterclass on a new ethics-driven approach to understanding and persuading your opponents (whether they be friends or family)
- The opportunity to practice these new skills.
Who will be teaching?
Gordon is an ethicist, environmentalist, Principal at Ethilogical Consulting, a lecturer at RMIT’s School of Design, and author of Power and the Professional published by McFarland Press. He is also a blacksmith, coppersmith and ongoing member of the Victorian Scout Association. You can reach him at ethilogical.com to talk more about ethics, power, conflict resolution or crafty stuff of any kind.