Maria Yebra

Look, Draw, Thrive: Drawing for Mental Wellbeing

“The art of seeing has to be learned”Marguerite Duras, The Lover, 1984 Having a creative practice can be very beneficial for your mental health. From improving memory to releasing emotions and stress, these practices are fun, engaging and sometimes easier than a meditation. It’s important to notice that the key fact is not to “care” about the …

Kind words from our Confident Presenters Program

We concluded our first Confident Presenters for International Students program recently and it was such an awe inspiring experience! Partnering with Anita from Confidence Hackers Page and sponsored by Study Melbourne through their inclusion program, we offered: confidence hacking, public speaking, course planning and delivering, workshop facilitation, online content preparation, startup pitching and of course, all …

Lifelong learning, brain health and mental wellbeing

Lifelong learning and its benefits for mental wellness and brain health have been research since the 70’s when the first Universities of Third Age appeared. Since then, further research continues to showcase how valuable lifelong learning can be, specially to deal with the stresses of today’s world. When we learn new things we create new …