

Urban Beekeeping for Beginners with Jen (online)

What’s it all about? Did you know there are over 13,000 beekeepers in Victoria? The majority of these are recreational bee keepers running 1 or 2 hives enjoying the pollination, honey and wax that their girls create. You can keep bees in your backyard* but it’s best to be fully aware of what you are taking …


Making French Crêpes: Tips & Tricks with Océane (Online)

Want to make some delicious crêpes like the French? Making tasty home-made crêpes doesn’t require much equipment, but it does require a certain know-how.  Come and learn all the tips & tricks to make delicious crêpes for breakfast and parties with French native Océane. We use her French grandmother’s original crêpes recipe, which has been thoroughly tried …


Feldenkrais: Free Your Shouders with Ralph (online)

Our shoulder joints support such a range of movement and motion, therefore it really makes a difference whether they’re moving with ease across their full range. Come and join this evening workshop and learn some techniques from the Feldenkrais method to help ease your shoulders and free up your body’ movement. Feldenkrais are movements that soften, …


Learn to Compost: Hot Tips with Simone (Online)

Compost! If you’ve ever watched Gardening Australia then you’ve heard this endearing exclamation from long-term former-host Peter Cundall. Yes, compost can evoke this much enthusiasm and excitement from gardeners! But what if you’re just starting out? Compost adds so many nutrients to our soil, but no one wants a stinky bin of rotting food scraps …


How to Design a Fulfilling Career and Love your Mondays with John (Online)

Do you love Monday mornings or dread them? Let’s face it, we all desire a career that gives us a sense fulfillment, purpose and satisfaction. We want to be recognised for our expertise and value as well as being financially rewarded at the level we truly deserve. Unfortunately, many people get stuck in jobs far …


Lunchtime Learning: How to Create a Winning CV with John (Online)

Your CV is your personal sales brochures. You are selling and telling all about YOU!  If you’re not standing out and letting your amazing capabilities shine, then you could be missing out on your most epic career. But what’s actually important to include in a CV? And what should we maybe leave out? As an ex-recruiter, …


DIY Interior Design: Hero Piece Driven Design with Belinda (Online)

Do you want to decorate, renovate or reinvent your home space but have no idea where to start?Don’t know what your ‘style’ is?Have you saved a whole heap of seemingly random images in Pinterest? Interior Designer, Belinda, will show you how easy interior design can be with her ‘hero piece driven design’ process. This process …


DIY Kitchen Lithographs: Printing with Emilie (Online)

In this new online class, Emilie will teach the fun and accessible printmaking technique: kitchen lithography. Lithography is a Fine Arts printmaking technique that usually requires a big limestone block, chemicals and an etching press. But with this DIY version, you can get a taste on the technique at home and create some beautiful prints! …


Smartphone Photography and Editing with Natalia (online)

Do you want to know how to take pretty pictures of the places and people around you to share on social media? Or professional photos of your wares as a small business? Or better snaps of your gigs for more impactful publicity. Make images that have an impact and stay on the viewers’ minds. Whether for …