What’s it all about?
Join us for an evening of storied cocktails suitable for Halloween drinking!
The success of some cocktails often depends on the names their creators give them – evocative names like Corpse Reviver or Zombie. Luckily for us, some of these drinks have stood the test of time and can still be easily ordered today at cocktail bars around the world!
Come along and hear about a few of these devilishly good drinks and even try your hand at making two if you like!
What will we cover?
- Drinks that will haunt you to your grave
- Drinks that will help you along to an early grave
- Cocktails for the dead and undead
- Cocktails suitable for sipping in hell with the devil
- Recipes for all the drinks mentioned
What will you need?
This class is a little different from our usual Friday Happy Hour cocktail class but you’re welcome to join in and make 2 drinks:
Drink 1:
- Gin (unflavoured, classic style if at all possible)
- Cointreau
- Fresh lemons
- Lillet Blanc (or Cocchi Americano)
- A few dashes of absinthe or pastis (you might also like to attend the class immediately before this one Absinthe and Hemmingway with Meagan ONLINE)
Drink 2:
- Tequila (100% agave – blanco, silver or plate)
- Creme de Cassis
- Fresh limes
- Spicy ginger beer
If you have questions in advance of the class please reach out via our Facebook group!
Who will be teaching?
Simon began adult life disliking alcohol in all forms after repeated unsuccessful attempts to be friends with beer, rum/coke and tequila sunrises. But a chance encounter with a vodka, lime and soda was his gateway drink into a classic daiquiri at the famed cocktail bar Der Raum. Since then Simon become an avid barfly visiting cocktail bars around the world in Europe, America, Asia, NZ and Australia as well as being good friends with gin, rum, whiskey and wheat beers. More recently Simon has been creating at-home cocktail experiences and teaching friends to make tasty drinks all around the world whether it’s a Melbourne balcony, a villa in Tuscany, an apartment in Paris or on a sailing boat in San Francisco Bay.