
Learn to Make Handmade Fettuccine Carbonara with The Pasta Hotline

This class has passed
This class has passed

The simple act of making pasta is a wholesome goal for lots of modern-day food lovers. 

The process is therapeutic, humbling and a great way to impress your dinner party guests!

After this class, you’ll be able to entertain with ease, using this delicious yet not too difficult handmade Fettuccine Carbonara, that will delight friends and family.

Cook along from home or just watch and learn from The Pasta Hotline man himself – Andrew Eramo!

What will we cover?

In this cook along pasta-making workshop, you’ll be making handmade Fettuccine Carbonara.

You will learn:

– How to make pasta dough from scratch. 
– Tips and tricks on how to make your dough with and without a pasta machine.
– How to cook a sauce you might expect to taste at a restaurant. 
– How to store your pasta for future pasta dishes.

There will also be lots of time for questions in this live and interactive class.

What should I bring?

If you would like to cook along, have ready the below ingredients and equipment.


5 x Eggs
Bag of plain flour
Olive oil (regular, not virgin)
4x Cloves of garlic
1x Small onion
4x Bacon rashes (or a vegetarian alternative)
Bunch of fresh parsley
Salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese


Pasta machine or a rolling pin
Chopping board
Chopping knife
Frying pan (30cm base)
Sauce pot (20cm base)
Cheese grater
Small bowl
Wooden spoon
Colander or a sieve
Your favourite dish to serve your meal!


– Closed Captions

– Discounted Early Bird tickets

– Free Tickets for First Nation Attendees

– Auslan Interpreted Upon Request

Who will be teaching? 

Andrew Eramo (he/him) is Pasta Hotline’s co-creator and host. He grew a community of dedicated pasta lovers via YouTube during Melbourne’s lockdown and has been teaching people how to make homemade pasta ever since…with delicious and rewarding results.

By day, Andrew works at a tech startup. By night, he’s an ultimate foodie with a passion for Italian food and wholesome experiences. 

You can find out more about Andrew and the Pasta Hotline story here.

Important info:

Buy a gift card

Terms and conditions


More about accessibility 

Any other questions or ways we can assist with accessibility? Just email delsi (she/her) at