What’s it all about?
If any one person could be said to personify the Enlightenment it would be François-Marie Arouet, known by his nom de plume Voltaire.
In this class we will celebrate some of his greatest accomplishments and even touch on some of his inevitable shortcomings to hopefully stimulate your interest to explore this remarkable human being further.
What will we cover?
A philosopher, playwright, novelist, poet, story-teller, campaigner for justice, supporter of strong intelligent women, enemy of religion and cant, friend of Emperors, conversationalist, satirist, letter-writer, pamphleteer, historian, Deist, champion of reason – the list is seemingly endless.
Intelligent people came from all over Europe and the Americas to visit him in his French country chateau. Gather around and learn all about the incredible Voltaire.
Who will be teaching?
Ian Robinson is President Emeritus of the Rationalist Society of Australia and immediate past Chairman of the Rationalist Association of Australia. He has been a tutor in Philosophy at the University of Melbourne, a lecturer in Philosophy of Education at Coburg Teachers’ College, leader of the Curriculum Project Team (Primary) for the Victoria Ministry of Education and Manager of the Music and Writing Department at Chisholm Institute, from which he retired in 2010.